Klaus von Lampe
Organized Crime: Analyzing Illegal Activities, Criminal Structures, and Extra-legal Governance
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2016
488 p.
ISBN 978-1-4522-0350-8

2016 Outstanding Publication Award (IASOC)

“a major contribution to the literature”

"a really impressive book"

"very interesting, thorough, and up-to-date review of the literature on organized crime"

“by far the most comprehensive and thoughtful treatment of the subject matter”

"most definitely the ultimate textbook on organized crime"

“the most compelling composite of this social and economic phenomenon known as organized crime"

"provides a conceptual framework for the future study of organized crime"

“accessible and detailed ... a kind of hybrid textbook-monograph ... highly recommended”


Organized Crime: Analyzing Illegal Activities, Criminal Structures, and Extra-legal Governance provides a systematic overview of the processes and structures commonly labeled “organized crime,” drawing on the pertinent empirical and theoretical literature primarily from North America, Europe, and Australia. The main emphasis is placed on a comprehensive classificatory scheme that highlights underlying patterns and dynamics, rather than particular historical manifestations of organized crime. The elusive and complex subject matter is broken down into three key dimensions: (1) illegal activities, (2) patterns of interpersonal relations that are directly or indirectly supporting these illegal activities, and (3) overarching illegal power structures that regulate and control these illegal activities and also extend their influence into the legal spheres of society. Within this framework, numerous case studies and topical issues from a variety of countries and historical periods illustrate meaningful application of the conceptual and theoretical discussion. The book aims at a global audience of students, scholars, practitioners and policy makers.

To find out more, please go to the webpage at Sage or visit me on ResearchGate.

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